About Us
About Us

LeftRightMind is a boutique mobile solutions provider in the San Francisco, Bay Area. We provide end-to-end mobile solutions for iOS, Android and WindowsPhone based platforms including creative and web service integration.
The name ‘LeftRightMind’ and our tag-line ‘Technology; meet Creativity’ are intrinsic to our ethos and the way we do business. Our leadership comes from a world of engineering & advertising allowing a unique fusion of skills & ideologies.
LeftRightMind was created because its founders realize that the conception & development of mobile solutions present a unique challenge. They require an intricate culmination of technology & creativity aimed to serve a well defined objective with a user experience that is articulate, intuitive & fulfilling
Our services are are packaged in a variety of specialized offerings:

ConceptWorks - Requirements to Wireframes

UsabilityWorks - Interface Design & Usability Research

TechnologyWorks - Development of Native Applications

CreativeWorks - Graphic Design & Branding

QualityWorks - Testing & Sustaining

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